Drug Charges and Criminal Law Defense Attorneys
Criminal charges can have serious consequences. We can help you avoid fines, jail time, and a criminal record. Whether you have been accused of drug charges, such as possession or intent to sell, or are facing conviction for a property crime, we can defend you. All of our attorneys are experienced at handling a range of criminal matters and will aggressively defend your rights under the law. Please contact The Traffic Lawyers of Kopecky Law, P.A. for assistance with any of the following criminal matters:
Even a misdemeanor property crime can have serious implications for your record. We can help you mitigate charges, reduce fines, or even have your charges dismissed. If you are seeking a criminal defense attorney for your child, we are experienced in handling juvenile matters such as minor in possession or drug charges relating to minors. Our attorneys are dedicated to helping individuals convicted of any non-violent crime protect their rights. If you need assistance with your traffic violation, speeding ticket, or DUI, contact The Traffic Lawyers of Kopecky Law, P.A.. We will defend your rights in any traffic or criminal law matter. Contact us by phone 24 hours a day. Walk-ins welcome at our main office ● Free consultation |