Field Test / Breathalyzer / Blood Test Attorney
We know that the tests are not always administered properly and that they can lead to erroneous charges. Our attorneys will closely evaluate your case and determine whether your test was properly administered. You may be able to have your case dismissed if there was no probable cause to pull you over, or if there is insufficient evidence for your offense. Contact The Traffic Lawyers of Kopecky Law, P.A. for a free consultation. We would gladly assist you with a defense regarding any of the following DUI/DWI/OWI testing procedures:
Field Sobriety Tests Field sobriety tests include:
Our attorneys know that there is a possibility that officers did not accurately interpret these tests or that a field test was not administered properly. We will listen to audio and video tapes to prepare the evidence on your behalf. Improper instructions can make the tape or test potentially inadmissible against the accused. Breath Tests At the station, a more accurate test will be administered. Often this is the Intoxylizer 5000 or a newer machine with more accurate results. In most states this test can be used to prove that you were, in fact, driving under the influence. Blood test If someone takes both a breathalyzer and a blood test, you have to combat the evidence of both tests. Our attorneys can help prepare a case if you have tested over .08 on a blood test or a breathalyzer. Some states have strict liability statutes that will automatically punish you if a test determines your blood alcohol is above .08, even before charges are filed. If you refuse to take any of the tests, the officers will seek to prove on other grounds that you were intoxicated. The court will look at other evidence such as how you were driving, witness reports, or reaction times based on impressions of the officer. Our attorneys are experienced at taking a serious look at how these tests were administered to prepare you a defense in your case. You may have been unlawfully pulled over or there may not be enough evidence to prove that you were driving under the influence. For a free consultation regarding your field test, breathalyzer, or blood test, contact The Traffic Lawyers of Kopecky Law, P.A. Walk-ins welcome at our main office ● Free consultation |